Hi all,
We need to understand how Tablet messages work which places some burdens on the restaurant side, which we want to remind them of.
We’d like to send comms to specific restaurant IDs only, and not to the whole brand, but the messaging feature demands we insert partner company emails as well, so I’m wondering if other sites connected to such emails will also received the comms?
We need to limit to Rx IDs though, is there any way to do that? Could you please tell/show us how?
In more detail: We actually already tried to send comms to specific partners (to inform them of the launch of cash on delivery), but the issue was that even if we filtered for specific restaurant IDs, we were asked (and forced) to insert company emails. The problem then was that also the restaurants that were linked to those company email received the message. We now need to resume the sending of such comms exclusively to restaurants that have the feature active (i.e. on a Rx ID basis, with no mistakes).
Thanks a lot