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Obvs you can preview the individual steps in the editor, but I want to be able to go on the journey my customers are seeing so I can check the rules are applying correctly.

👋 I'm not sure there's a way to test Series natively through Intercom, however, I have personally utilized a few custom methods to test a Series.


When I'm testing a Series, I make a duplicate of it for testing purposes. 🚧

Duplicating a Series 

Once I've duplicated the Series, I can edit the rule block to my ID specifically so that I'm the only one receiving the Series. 💳

User ID on Series 

Once you've set the Series live, the specified User ID will be the only account that receives your Series. This can be used to test the Series in-app and view the customer experience without other accounts experiencing it until you're ready to go live. 🚀

Thanks Gavin - I'd got that far. What if I spotted a problem with the series and fixed it - how do I reset my user so that I can go through the series again?

You can do this by making another duplicate of the Series, utilizing a tag or deleting the account.


You can just create a tag such as "Onboarding Series Test" and add it to your rule block.

Adding a tag to SeriesOnce you've done this, adding this tag to any user will send them the Series.


Alternatively (not recommended), deleting an Intercom user through the "deleting people data" will send the Series to the user again once they match the rules.

Ok, got it, thanks I'll give it a try
