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Messenger Tips

  • July 15, 2020
  • 1 reply

  • Super User ✨
  • 83 replies

Messenger Tips

Probably obvious and a well known approach but we rely on the Messenger message types to drive engagement for diff types of messages;


Chat: when we want to get customers to engage to pick up a convo and drive adoption - now partnered with reso-bots and FAQ answers.


Posts: when we generally do not want responses but want to drive action or share info


Badge; Low priority (not time sensitive) and impact (no action or impact to services) engagement that is shared as an FYI - the benefit of these is they can queue up and increase count and can be opened later. This allows for ongoing and continuous engagement without impacting customer journey


Snippet; Low/Medium priority, and impact where action is required - where part of the message is visible with indicators of what to do so attention is grabbed. Often paired with event or page targeting


Show Full; When there is high priority and impact, immediate action or attention required - often partnered with large format to take over the screen. Anytime we have security call outs, impact to data or risk of revenue we use this and use it sparingly to avoid them being ignored as noise


Key Filters;

Where to send; Use of page targeting for product specific or feature specific activities to drive contextual messaging

Last Seen < 7 / 14 / 30 days (we generally do not bother with in app engagement if we do not see users log in frequently and switch to email)

Last Contacted > 2/5 days - partnered with snippets and badges to ensure we do not saturate users


1 reply

Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • July 30, 2020

Absolutely love these messaging tips @craig​ - especially the guidelines on how to avoid over-saturation.

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