
Does Intercom have an official Xamarin binding?

  • 18 December 2020
  • 4 replies

Are there any xamarin bindings officialy from the intercom dev team?


We're looking to add intercom to our application, we use xamarin native and we would need bindings, would be great to know if there are any available from intercom.


Best answer by Eric Fitz 18 December 2020, 16:14

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4 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi @mantas​, Intercom does not have an official Xamarin binding. You can find a community-built Xamarin wrapper here.

Thanks @eric f11​ , but the bindings were generated for v6.1 which will not be supported soon, and there are no updates for it. 🙂 That's why I was looking into this, i've done some research beforehand.

Userlevel 1

Gotcha, my bad! Have you tried opening an issue in the GitHub repo? It looks like it's still being monitored and the person who created it should be able to take action.

I've asked if they would update it, so it's in their hands now, anyway, thanks for your help!
