Fatal Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/139802627/c29e7134f9cd57088cf1d07b/blue+tear.png?expires=1729994400&signature=525d4a03fac180d11f7678691fbfa5f8ed5622dbd059a77c01227ffcc6b2a3a2&req=dSMuHsl8m4NYFb4f3HP0gIDAMfuWTACfTE0A7ru2V8zDHLslNtDMsv%2Fu0c%2Bq%0AXJ8eWqt3jD%2Bxi9f0GA%3D%3D%0A
The Above crash is reported in crashlytics, i am unable to reproduce the exception also i am using the latest release of intercom, the above crash is occurring for android 10
Please help!
Fatal Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Best answer by Ebenezer.Laleye
Looks like you are already talking to one of my colleagues about this.
But just to reiterate what they said.
It looks like this issue is likely related to 1 of 2 Bugs that have bene flagged previously, but precisely what actions are causing this has been unclear so we have been unable to directly replicate it on our end to confirm what patches we have released cover all cases.
We have added the details you sent through to both Bug Reports for the team to factor in to their ongoing investigation.
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