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  • 27 May 2024
  • 4 replies

I’m using the Android SDK version and I got this crash in the intercom.


Crash Stacktrace


4 replies


Hey @Aksh Shah I would first ask what version of the Android SDK you’re using, if it isn’t the most recent version then I’d have to recommend that you update to the most recent version please. We ship fixes with our updates so updating to the latest version is the best way to ensure optimal performance of the Intercom SDK. 


I would ask you to write into Intercom Support via the Messenger with an example user that experienced the crash and steps to reproduce the crash please! 

Hi @Joseph G11 , I’m using SDK version 14.0.0 which I know is quite old, but currently, our app is using old Kotlin and Compose versions so this is the only compatible version. This issue is not replicable from our side and we cannot find any more details in our Sentry log, could you please tell us at what place this crash might be happening and if we can resolve this by adding any try/catch block? 


Userlevel 3
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Hi @Aksh Shah ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

Our Support engineering team would need to look into this deeper.

Could you write into Intercom Support via the Messenger with the crash stacktrace? 

Hi @Ebenezer.Laleye , I’ve moved the intercom initialization code to the Application class which I think should solve the issue, if this happens again then I will share the details in Intercom Support.
