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  • Intercom SDK version: 16.0.3
  • Xcode: 15.0


UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() failed to allocate CGBitampContext: size={0, 0}, scale=3.000000, bitmapInfo=0x2002. Use UIGraphicsImageRenderer to avoid this assert.









-/NSMutableDictionary(NSMutableDictionary) initWithContentsOfFile:] 




-/Ullmage(ICM|mageUtils) icm_resizelmageToSize:]
_51-bICMReactionsViewController displayOption:inView:]_block_invoke_2

HI @Osama Taha 👋 Eden from the support engineer team here.


Can you please update to the latest version of the iOS SDK here (v16.1.1), then let me know if you are still seeing this issue? If so, I can go ahead and escalate this conversation to the support team for you to investigate further. 

@Eden We are experiencing the same problem where our application completely crash on devices with iOS 17. We have installed the iOS SDK version (16.1.1). We saw that there is a version 16.1.2. ( but not mention that this crash has been fixed.


I would like to request that this issue gets escalated and we get a lot of crashes due to Intercom

Hey @Mathieu Marcotte! I can see that you opened a conversation with our Support team about this-- they will get back to you in that conversation as soon as possible! 👍

Hello, we encountered this same crash in large quantity. 

Version of Intercom is 16.3.1

iOS version: mostly iOS 17.2

Did You find out what is causing it?

Thanks, Marek

We have this same crash in large quantity


@Osama Taha  @Mathieu Marcotte  @mBacon  @alexander  


Our product team just released a fix for this issue that was causing crashes on iOS 17, when people would tap on an in-app post notification. The fix is available in v16.3.2 of our iOS SDK. You should be seeing that after updating, the issue is resolved! 👍
