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Intercom iOS SDK v17.1.2

iOS v16, v17


STR: for us it reproduces if a conversation has a lot of messages (100 one word messages would be enough to reproduce the issue)

  •  open Message Composer using any available method
  • select conversation that contains many messages (100 one word messages is enough for us to reproduce), you may notice the hang after this step
  • type some message and send it



Hi @Max Rozdobudko -- Cam from the Intercom Technical Support Engineering team 👋

Thanks for letting us know about this. I’m keen to flag it with our Product Engineering team so they’re aware this is happening and can factor it into the continuous improvements they are making to the iOS SDK so I’ve gone ahead and opened a conversation with you so I can add the details from your post into a Report for the team 👍 If you see a new conversation with me in the Messenger in your Workspace then thats what that is. 
