Hello our monitoring is reporting some crash errors on lastest RN package version 6.0.1:
NSInternalInconsistencyException: Attempted to reload item identifier that does not exist in the snapshot: IntercomSDKPrivate.ConversationCollectionViewCellType.message(<ICMConversationPart: 0x10a8747b0>)
The newest version of the React Native SDK is v6.1.1. Can you please try updating to the newest version and confirm if you are still seeing issues? If you are, I’ll go ahead and escalate this as a conversation with the Support team for further investigation.
The newest version of the React Native SDK is v6.1.1. Can you please try updating to the newest version and confirm if you are still seeing issues? If you are, I’ll go ahead and escalate this as a conversation with the Support team for further investigation.
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