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Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to listen to the “Send Us Messages” event to track the click?

SDK is used on Android - its version is 12.5.3



@BohdanPodolian  I’m not sure if this is possible but I wanted to jump in to suggest if you could share the use case for why you want to track the click -- this might help the team and community to be any workarounds or suggestions meet your goals.  Are you trying to pass this to some product analytic tools or something along that line?

@Nathan Sudds Thank you for your reply, yes, we need to track this click for Firebase analytics

@Nathan Sudds Hi, any updates on this?

@BohdanPodolian sorry I missed that you replied with your use case, do you have the Google Analytics  integration installed? It should pick this up for Firebase. If not we should suggest that improvement to the integration.

Google Analytics 4 Integration
