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Product tour didn't automatically launch unless refresh

  • August 24, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi, I have a web app that upon user sign up, I am expecting product tour to launch.

However, upon sign up, a browser refresh is needed to trigger the product tour.


It's a Next JS app and when I received sign up user data, I have called

Intercom('update', userData)

upon user sign up but I am not able to trigger the product tour unless doing a browser refresh.


I have suspected it's because of throttling, but I have confirmed I was making less than 30 update calls in the flow so it shouldn't be throttling issue.>


Can you please help?

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Intercom Team
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • 512 replies
  • September 1, 2022

Hey @user2448​ Racheal from the Support Engineer team here 👋


It sounds like you might need to call the update method again, after passing in the data. If I'm understanding your workflow correctly The user needs to sign up then see the tour, but that first update call is happening with sign up- needing one more ping for the Product Tour match to run. The best way to get around this would be to call "Intercom('update')" to automatically make the Messenger check for a product tour!


Or if you wanted to more manually control the Product Tour then you could do that here:>


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