What tools or apps are you using to analyze Intercom ticket data?
I'm used to ZenDesk reporting and am finding reporting in Intercom really lacking or else I just don't know how to use it.
For example, I'd love to get a report on tags. In Zendesk, I could select multiple tags and then select a date range and various ways of displaying data - bar, line, etc.I was also able to set up tags with a prefix like Login: and then have sub tags like Login: email typo, Login: password reset loop, etc. I could make a report that could show all Login issues by only selecting the top tag so I could compare against other top-level issue like Refunds, Acct Management, etc.
Or I could make a report where I could select all the Login tags and see a report about the frequency of each one, all one report.
In Intercom, the tag reporting doesn't allow this. You can only view a report on one tag at a time. If you choose multiple tags, the only option is AND, not OR.
Thanks for any help!