I believe you can send attributes over with spaces and white space. So you could send “My Custom Prop” and it would include the spaces, vs sending it as “myCustomProp”. This would make it prettier in the UI.
@user1030 the way I understood it, in the request to create a custom attribute there are two properties, "name", which is used to provide a name, that can be used to reference the custom attribute in programmatic context, for example, java script code, or API request. Another property is called "label", which as explained by the documentation is used to provide a user friendly label we will see in UI. The value I put in the "label" has spaces and is human readable, but instead in UI we can see the value taken from the "name" property, with first letter capitalized. It looks that the label value is ignored.
"model": "contact",
"name": "myCustomProp",
"description": "Description for my custom property",
"data_type": "string",
"label": "My Custom Property Label",
It looks like the label property is not working fine. Could you please check it out
Maybe what you send as 'label' is actually just the Description, which only shows in the data settings of the workspace?