Hello, since we are using our own notifications implementation using AWS amplify, we currently rely on the webhook to send Intercom notifications for our users. To send a push notification when creating a new chat message trough Proactive support we listen for the 'content_stat.chat' topic and stat_type: 'receipt'.
However, for some users this event is only sent when they open the app, for other users (so far I could only make it work for one at a time) this event is sent even when they have the app on the background (which is the behavior I want). What is the behavior of this event, and how can I make it work for multiple users at the same time? I don’t want them to have the app open for this notification to arrive.
If listening for this event is not a reliable way of sending push notifications when chat messages are sent, is there any alternative way of making Intercom Notifications work alongside amplify notifications?
Webhook content_state chat event weird behavior
Best answer by Ebenezer.Laleye
There was a bug surrounding this webhook topic so this issue may need a deeper dive.
I would advise that you write into us through the Messenger and a member of the team will pick this up.
Look forward to your message!
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