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Using intercom’s messenger-js-sdk

I am currently passing custom attributes during Intercom instantiation like so


    app_id: appId,
    user_id: userId,
    name: userName,
    email: email,
    created_at: createdAt,
    tenant_id: tenantId,
    tenant_name: tenantName,
    tenant_role: tenantRole,
    app_environment: appEnvironment,




The custom attributes are already set within Intercom itself as shown in the above attached image.


However, when testing it out the custom attribute is not being populated.

I’ve checked the user data payload sent during the ping http request, all data is supplied appropriately.

Any ideas what could be the problem ?

Hey @luketeo 👋

I wonder if this issue is due to the ‘Prevent updates via the Messenger’ setting? 

You can choose whether the attribute can be updated via the Messenger. If the selection to "Prevent updates via the Messenger" is chosen, then any request to update this attribute from the Messenger on web, mobile or via the Javascript API will be silently ignored.

All attributes that don't have this selection checked will still be updated as normal. This setting can be toggled on or off by updating the attribute like below:


So check that you have that setting disabled for your custom attributes. If you do have that setting disabled and the CDAs still won’t update, I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via the Messenger so that they can dig a little bit deeper into this issue for you :)

@Jacques Reynolds 

Thank you for the reply.

That is indeed what made it worked, I’ve tested it and it is working now as expected!

Thanks again for your help, definitely was abit mind boggling since I thought that was a recommended settings to have turned on.
