
Why isn't there a way to embed an inframe in the help center? This seems like a must-have!

  • 4 June 2022
  • 8 replies

Why isn't there a way to embed an inframe in the help center? This seems like a must-have!

Best answer by Daniel M15 6 June 2022, 15:58

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8 replies

Userlevel 2

Hey @michael l12​! Daniel from Customer Support Engineering here 🔧 


At the moment, Intercom does not support the ability to embed iFrames in the Help Center, but I'll make sure to pass this along as a feature request for our product team to review 😊

Userlevel 2

Hey again - just wanted to say feel free to drop this one in our Product Wishlist to bump its visibility 😁 Thanks!

What is the status of this? I was unable to find a current request under the product wishlist page. TY

Userlevel 1

Hi folks! 👋! Nigel from Arcade here. 

We’ve got many customers looking to embed Arcades into their Intercom knowledge base to educate customers in an interactive way. We’d love to be connected to the Intercom team and allow them to better help their customers.  Here’s an example of what we’re doing with Gitbook:


At we also would like to embed into Intercom help center.

Please add this integration.


Hi, Any update on this topic?

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hey there @UpMenu !

There isn’t any update around this topic. It has been flagged with our product team as a feature request. The team considers these requests when determining what sort of improvements to make, but it’s not guaranteed that such a feature will ultimately be implemented. It all depends on the team’s feature roadmap and product strategy.

Hi Team Intercom, Akash from Storylane here. Our customers would like to embed Storylane in their help articles and emails as an inline embed. Here is an example:

Is there a workaround for this? Currently I see only the option to insert an video or an image in Intercom help articles. 

