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Fin pricing/cost vs. closing conversation efficiently

  • April 22, 2024
  • 3 replies


My initial experience from Fin has been relatively good. Mostly Fin gets it right (great!) or didn’t have enough knowledge to answer the question → customer asked to talk to a human. Also an OK outcome. 

What I struggle with are a number of cases where I have seen Fin give clearly an incorrect answer, which leads to the customer just abandoning the chat. So not answer the question Fin will ask whether it helped or they would like to speak to a person. As far as I understand, Intercom will declare this a success and charge us the Fin success fee because it didn’t lead to the customer having to speak to a person. This doesn’t feel right. 

What has been your experience? Have you seen the same? Have you found a way around it?


Intercom Team

Hi Henrik, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

I am really sorry that you are experiencing this issue. Our engineers are aware of that and are working on the fix. 
If you notice such miss-fired resolutions, please reach out to us. We will try to find the best solution for that situation because it is clearly not an expected behaviour.

Thanks @mateusz.leszkiewicz for reaching out. 

I didn’t quite understand what was the unexpected behaviour? That Fin will get it wrong I think to be expected. 

Are you saying that the expected behaviour is to not charge for it? 

You have this “fin resolution state” that is “assumed resolved”. I have understood that to be the cases I talk about (e.g. Fin answers and the customer does nothing). Are those cases not supposed to be charged for, is that what you’re saying?

Intercom Team

Hi Henrik Lenerius,

Apologies for the delayed response here. I am saying that if you noticed a Fin conversation that is not resolved by Fin but you’ve been charged for the resolution - you should reach out to us to investigate the issue.
We are constantly working on enhancing the Fin experience, and every piece of feedback we can gather is precious.

I hope this clarifies the issue.


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