
What app to use since I can't puchase Bump by Userfeed?

  • 23 February 2024
  • 7 replies

 We trialed a recommended app from the Intercom app store called "Bump" by Userfeed.  An app that allows you to automate the follow-up and closing process of unresponsive customers. We used this App because the built-in snoozing/closing function in Intercom did not fit our needs. We loved it during our trial, set up automation and workflows around the apps' functionality. We regularly have around 30 conversations in the queue, and after a couple of days we knew we were going to purchase the app. So, I reached out to their support ready and willing to purchase. I searched high and low contacting everyone involved with the company and product, and nothing is active, and you cannot purchase the app. So, first, I would recommend removing this app, as it's no longer being supported, and you cannot use it after the trial. This was unfortunate for us. A lot of time wasted, and it's something we REALLY liked. 

Are there any alternatives on the Intercom app store? I can’t seem to find anything like it. I’m also open to suggestions on how to achieve something similar. Thanks!


Best answer by Jacob Cox 10 March 2024, 21:05

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7 replies

Hello Westley,

I can understand the frustration you must be feeling. I went through a similar situation last year, so I empathize with your experience. It's reassuring to see someone finally stating this concern.

I've encountered the same issue since last year and have reached out to both Bump and Intercom for assistance, but unfortunately, haven't found a satisfactory solution yet. The snoozing automation workflow on Intercom doesn't seem as streamlined as Bump, and it's frustrating that we can't create snooze automations for different issues.

As a result, we've had to resort to manual follow-ups and snoozing pending tickets, which isn't ideal. I'm still actively searching for alternatives as well.

Hey Adah! Yeah, it seems like we aren’t the only ones here. I agree, we’ve tried the built-in functionality that Intercom has, and we found it lacking as well. We’d be more than willing to purchase licenses for Bump, as I’m sure you and many others’s also wild to me that there are no other solutions. The closest I’ve came is an app called “Gratitude” that automatically closes convos where people are just saying thank you, but not quite the same, haha! I’ll loop back around here if I find another solution, but for now, time to drudge through all of these manually follow ups.

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi  @Westley ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ll bring with up with the relevant to see what can be done it terms of removing the app until its possible to purchase. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

@Westley and @Adah !

Have you looked into Intercom’s workflows for this purpose? We have Workflows specifically created for when end user’s are unresponsive. There you could add follow-up actions such as Snooze, message, close, etc.



Hi Peeps!

I can suggest CatSnooze, it basically has the same functionality, you can automate snoozing and follow up messages in advance within each intercom conversation.

Just a disclaimer: I am associated with the app :) 

Hi Peeps!

I can suggest CatSnooze, it basically has the same functionality, you can automate snoozing and follow up messages in advance within each intercom conversation.

Just a disclaimer: I am associated with the app :) 

"I've noticed that Catsnooze functions quite similarly to Bump. I'll definitely give it a try!" Thanks.

Hi Olena

I've noticed that Catsnooze has fewer features. For instance, you can only snooze for either 3, 6, or 12 hours. Additionally, it lacks customization options for setting the frequency of follow-ups or creating automation for different instances.

I assume it's a relatively new product, and improvements are likely underway to enhance its features.

As you're affiliated with the app, could you please provide a reliable way to contact support for better assistance and clarity?

For now, I'll hold off on adding Catsnooze until I can potentially get in touch with someone.

Thank you for the recommendation.

Hi Peeps!

I can suggest CatSnooze, it basically has the same functionality, you can automate snoozing and follow up messages in advance within each intercom conversation.

Just a disclaimer: I am associated with the app :) 

