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Hi, we want to notify an external system when we send a segment based chat to a group of users.

Actually we don't find any way to do that. Via webhook we only can access when a single message is sent to a concrete user. but not in massive messages.

Thank you

Hey @juan s​, to confirm - when you say a "segment based chat", do you mean a message sent to a segment of users? Or a message sent using the third-party API tool Segment?

Hi @eric f11​ i mean send a message (Chat) to a segment or group of users, and then be able to catch this batch of messages from a third party app. Something like the webhook topic "conversation.admin.single.created"


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that @juan s​! Right now, it's not possible to use webhooks for outbound messages sent in bulk. We do have numerous API endpoints for this, however, would that suit your use case?

Thank you @eric f11​ on the other hand and seeing is not possible doing this by this way, we're thinking about tell to Intercom when send a message and who must receive it.

Is it possible send a message to multiple users using API?

We're watching it seems is not possible to send to multiple users, only 1 to 1. Is there any endpoint where the user id is an array of ids instead of a single one?

In addition to this, message_type inapp would be a chat?


Thanks in advance!

Hey @juan s​, we don't have a bulk API simply because we've found that a significant amount of bulk requests can deprecate the API for all customers. To achieve this and to avoid being rate-limited, you'd likely need to write a script on your end to send multiple calls, one-by-one, to the endpoint you've highlighted.


You're correct that the inapp message type is a chat.

Hi @eric f11​ Thank you again, I think we can solve part of our use case.


On the other hand, is possible to send a calendar for example in the message body vía API or is only possible send HTML?


Thank you

Hey @juan s​, it's only possible to send a HTML email, you won't be able to add apps (unless you add a direct link URL to the calendar in the body of the email).

Ok @eric f11​ Thank you for the clarification. It's like i supposed.


Thank you!
