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Hi intercom. How can I update the color of the intercom chat widget, when dark theme is enabled on my page?



Hey @alex b13​, I'm afraid it's not possible to set the Messenger's colour programatically, or set it to change dynamically. One for our @Product Wishlist​ group!

We're also looking for similar functionality, where we can update the messenger styles based on light and dark themes. Could you please share any other way this can be achieved? We are not using theme based domains, so can't use existing domain based branding feature.


We pasted the code on our website and its displaying as Teal. Here in the forum its Blue and on the Intercom website itself it is Black. There must be a way to change the color at least to match the company's branding? Teal is not in our branding.

You can change the colour of the launcher button and some other colours in the Messenger settings.

