Rather than having the standard, we will get back tomorrow message that I have turned on, I'd like our bot to let clients know of our exact office hours. Basically, if anyone contacts our Messenger outside of our office hours, how can I customize the message?
Customize the after hours bot message
Best answer by aykut.aydin
For this, you can consider using Workflows, as you won’t be able to customise the standard message.
But if you use Workflows for this purpose, you can show your own message that your bot sends to customers outside your office hours, you can follow these steps:
1. Create an outbound Workflow for when a "Customer sends their first message." You can also set this up with the “Customer opens a new conversation in the Messenger” based on when exactly you want this Workflow to show the message.
2. In the Workflow, set up the message and actions that you want to include. Similar to the below example:

3. Make sure to set your Audience filter so it only sends to the specific customers you want to reach (if you don't want to send the message to everyone).
4. Under the Frequency and Scheduling section, set the Workflow to only send outside office hours. You can find more information on how the Frequency and Scheduling section works in this article.
Hope this helps! 😊
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