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We are currently migrating our react-native app to Expo and we are facing some issues with Intercom push notifications.

We are using:

"@intercom/intercom-react-native": "8.1.0",
"expo": "52.0.28",

And in app.config.ts, this is our intercom setup:

'@intercom/intercom-react-native',{  appId: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SECRETS_INTERCOM_APP_ID,  androidApiKey: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SECRETS_INTERCOM_ANDROID_API_KEY,  iosApiKey: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SECRETS_INTERCOM_IOS_API_KEY}

We have followed the rest of the setup mentioned on github.

It seems that the chat works when we open it from the app. The user can send and receive messages as expected.

The problem is that the push notifications don’t seem to work at all. We don’t receive any notification when the app is on the background or closed.

Could you please advice on what we can check?


Thank you,


Do you use expo-notifications to request user permission?
also for android you could try out to set notifications channel:

if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
await Notifications.setNotificationChannelAsync('intercom', {
name: 'Intercom',
description: 'Channel for intercom',
importance: Notifications.AndroidImportance.MAX,
vibrationPattern: n0, 250, 250, 250],
lightColor: YOUR_COLOR,


Thank you ​@Nazar Zabirko for your answer. No we don’t use expo-notifications to request user permission. We are using requestNotifications from react-native-permissions package. 

Let me add to this that we are using Braze as well on our project, through which we send/receive notifications normally. 

We could try expo-notifications though and see if we get a different outcome

I got an answer from Intercom support:

I actually had a look through our side and I can see that we currently have an open issue regarding Expo not working at all with Intercom.

However regarding this issue, it seems that push notifications are indeed supported, so we will need to update the docs on our side to reflect this.


There seems to be an open issue on their side but they have tried to make notifications work in the past. Let’s hope that they fix it soon
