
Can anyone tell me the formula that Intercom uses to calculate CSAT?

  • 2 December 2021
  • 3 replies

In my research, I've found 2 ways to calculate this.




Example 1:

CSAT (%) = (total responses given / total possible response scores) * 100

Example 2:

CSAT (%) = (# of very dissatisfied * 1) + (# of dissatisfied * 0.75) + (# of neutral * 0.5) + (# of satisfied * 0.75) + (# of very satisfied * 1) / (total responses)




Best answer by Lisa B11 6 December 2021, 16:36

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3 replies

Hey @tim w​ 👋


This is the number of 🤩 & 😃 ratings divided by the total number of ratings received. 🤩 & 😃 are both 100%. Hope this helps 🙌

Thank you, Lisa. Exactly what I was looking for!

This is old topic, but now after some research and tests I have found that CSAT is not really awarding. Intercom calculate as sum of two good ones divided sum of rated * 100. So, neutral is counted as Bad rating? Am I right?

The example 2, that's my favorite, there is used weights. Is there any way to add that kind of formula in custom report?

Any advice would be great.
