
Do we have a way to know who imports users data?

  • 30 November 2022
  • 1 reply

I saw import history but I don't see any columns that provide uploader name. Do we have way to know?,-You%20can%20see

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hey @nimit​ 👋🏼


Shauna here from Intercom Support!


Currently there is no way to view who imported a CSV file. If you would like to know this information, you can reach out to us through the Messenger with the time & date of the import and we can check for you 👍🏼


I can also share this as a feature request with our Product team that you would like a feature like this in the future 🚀 Please provide any feedback or share any context you may have in regards to your use case here at any time & it will be passed along! 
