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What criteria would achieve this?

Hey @user34​, are you referring to your Quarterly Active People metric?

Hi Eric.

Yes either quarterly or monthly active users who are seen in Intercom. I know how to easily find those who have logged in during those times, but I would like to know who is logging in repeatedly over different durations. Its a common metric to know how active your users are. Knowing if A logged in to the app in February, then March etc to know that they are a monthly active user.




I get you @user34​ you want to retroactively look at who was active in a defined period of time but since there is a Last seen attribute you can only look at the last x days. You can not use Last seen to determine if someone was active in i.e. January, because he might have been active in February too so Last seen will have a February date.


What you could do is track this manually with tagging. Just remember to do it every last day of the month, filter all users that were seen in the last 30/31 days, and tag them ie. ActiveMarch2021. You can make the same approach for Quarterly active people.


Thanks @user382​ , Thats correct. First seen and last seen is just the two ends of a customers interactions with the app. Its surprising that this isn't possible out of the box for intercom as its a very basic measure in the customer success world and is what drives a lot a models and processes. Thanks for your recommendation, manually doing this seems counter intuitive to what Intercom is for, however, I feel like setting up a series with rules around the month beginning and end would be possible to then auto tag these users. It could then be duplicated and edited the entry rules to accomodate each month. Annoying, but do-able.



Yeah sure, you can set i.e. 12 series and let it run and forget about it for a full year 🙂


So whoever gets

(Last seen on Mar 1, 2021 OR Last seen after Mar 1, 2021) AND (Last seen before Mar 31, 2021 OR Last seen on Mar 31, 2021)

goes into Series "March active people" and in it just gets an ActiveMarch2021 tag and goes out...


Thats great @user382​ I'll set that up for my customers for the rest of the year.

My next thought provoker is how to achieve the same thing without having series... If you only have outbound messages (start up tier) you'd have to send 'a' message and then you can tag the customer as that month... but I can't see a way of sending something that they won't actually see, to avoid bothering them for selfish reasons?


Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

@user34​ so it won't be possible without Series, I mean to be fully automated. You would anyway need to follow up with who was receiving the message and tag them manually (does not have to be exactly the last day of the month).


Maybe you can find some relevant content to send, maybe your monthly newsletter can be sent on the last day of the month. Or any kind of a monthly follow-up letter. Or just pinging them and asking how is it going, if they need any help, etc...


Intercom should have a better way to analyze MAU/WAU/DAU. I would really appreciate it if you could add the feature. Or does anybody know any other recommended tool to use?

Last Seen does not work at all unfortunately.


Last Seen isn't like an event such as "Has Logged In" -- it's literally "When was the VERY LAST time"


For instance, if I set a criteria with last seen that is set for Oct. 1 - 31, and then say the email address has to match mine (the one I just used to sign into our platform on Nov. 10), then it'll show 0 results. The reason is because my email wasn't LAST SEEN in that period. It was LAST SEEN 5 minutes ago.


Hey Intercom, we're all looking for "Was it seen at all in this period" not LAST exclusively.
