
I need to change colors for different parts of the chat, like replies, hover states, etc. but there is only one color that I can change in settings. Where are the rest of the color/font settings?

  • 9 August 2022
  • 3 replies

I need to change colors for different parts of the chat, like replies, hover states, etc. but there is only one color that I can change in settings. Where are the rest of the color/font settings?

Best answer by Brent 10 August 2022, 08:23

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3 replies

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The colour settings for the messenger are located here under Messenger Settings > Style your messenger. There is two colour areas you can set - background and action.


I'm not aware of any other colour settings in the system for the chat. Might need more of an explanation of what you are after. There is a feature request group here on the forums under groups - you could post in there but you should outline more about what you're after - possibly add in a mock up pic or what a system you've worked with in the past looks like.

Hope that helps.



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The group is called Product Wishlist

Well, that's discouraging. But thank you for replying.
