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I experience the console message [Intercom] Launcher is disabled in settings or current page does not match display conditions, but I have hidden the default launcher as I have implemented my own launcher.  I would not expect to see the console message in this case, but it does appear.

These are my settings below, am I missing something?

window.intercomSettings = {
    api_base: "",
    app_id: "<my app id>",
    hide_default_launcher: true, // Hides the default Intercom icon
    vertical_padding: 60

Hi @ivang ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

From what I know using this line in your code  hide_default_launcher: true,  would cause the console to spew out this message.

Does the Messenger show up fine when you click on your custom launcher?

Thank you for your answer. Yes, the messenger shows up fine when I click on my custom launcher. My concern is with the console displaying what may be perceived as an error when I actually instruct the software explicitly that I don’t want to use the default launcher. Can you please investigate if there’s any way to avoid displaying this console message when I set hide_default_launcher: true ?
It doesn’t make much sense to display a console message about Launcher disabled when I hide it on purpose to use my own launcher.
