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Possible bug: HTTP 500 when updating an article

  • October 9, 2024
  • 1 reply

We noticed one of our customer help center article was not being updated because of the following response with an HTTP code of 500.
    "type": "error.list",
    "request_id": "002tv9efacb52hqthea0",
    "errors": [
            "code": "server_error",
            "message": "Server Error"


Since the error message doesn't provide specifics, we investigated and found that the issue occurs only when an article contains a callout with more than one paragraph. Here’s the bare minimum how to reproduce the issue:


What works: Callout with one paragraph ✅

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
--data '{
    "body": "<p class=\"no-margin\"></p>\n<div class=\"intercom-interblocks-callout\" style=\"background-color: #feedaf80; border-color:#fbc91633;\">\n<p class=\"no-margin\">Hello Mars</p>\n</div>"


What does not work: Callout with two paragraphs ❌

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
--data '{
    "body": "<div class=\"intercom-interblocks-callout\" style=\"background-color: #feedaf80; border-color: #bc91633;\">\n<pclass=\"no-margin\">Hello Mars</p>\n<p class=\"no-margin\">Hello World</p>\n</div>"


The contents above are perfectly valid and was returned through the API itself. (GET /articles/:id)

Interestingly, the failed scenario works fine if you manually create an article with a two-paragraph callout through the UI.

I have also uploaded a video on YouTube demonstrating the bug:



Any guidance on how we can resolve this would be much appreciated.

Best answer by mateusz.leszkiewicz

Hi @hyder, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

Thank you for such thorough investigation notes. I’ve created an Intercom converiaton for our engineers to look into this in details.

Please continue this thread there.

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1 reply

Intercom Team

Hi @hyder, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

Thank you for such thorough investigation notes. I’ve created an Intercom converiaton for our engineers to look into this in details.

Please continue this thread there.

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