If we use this API https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference#list-data-attributes can we able to fetch any of the data attributes and pass that attribute value to a variable and then that variable need to be passed on to Watson. If yes could you please provide some guides/steps to achieve this?
If we use the API for Data Attribute Model', can we able to fetch the listed attributes from the start of every conversation?
Best answer by Roy
Hello @anoop , Let me try to help you here, okay?
If you want to get data attributes from the conversation, you should use Retrieve a conversation API.
Sending GET request to https://api.intercom.io/conversations/ConversationID
"custom_attributes": {
"Type": "Issue",
"Priorty": "Low",
"Feature": "Billing & Payments"
Let me know if you have any other questions about the API, happy to help 🦄
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