Hey @chris c11, for now, this is expected behaviour. If you hover over the tooltip beside When a customer becomes inactive, you'll see that we define inactive as "the customer hasn't replied to the bot response in 3 minutes."
If the customer does reply eventually, we'll re-open the conversation and assign it according to your Inbox Rules.
@eric f11 thanks for the quick response. I understand that it's expected behavior but personally feel that it's designed incorrectly (IMO a bug in the design then).
At a bare minimum the customer should be warned that not responding will close the conversation and they will never get a response.
I understand where you're coming from here, @chris c11, and I'm keen to share your feedback with the team!
Just for some additional context, the customer isn't informed that the conversation is being closed, nor do they see this in their Messenger UI.
What do you make of the bot message prompting the customer to reply if they didn't get what they're looking for? Does it give enough information? How would you change it?
@eric f11 not sure if you were asking me a question RE: the addt'l context or just making a statement. If a question, then correct, the customer is not informed that the conversation is being closed.
That was just a statement on my part! Re my question on the bot message, what do you think?
Thanks @eric f11 WRT to the bot message I would recommend that the current reply options remain ('that helped', ask another question', 'talk to a person'). The final message though could say 'Please be sure to choose one of the options below (and then show the same 3 options) or to reply below or this conversation will be automatically closed.