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Currently building an integration that allows courses to be embedded into Intercom. All this is working fine however when selecting a course, given there can be many, I thought it would be best to kick the user out to a sheet with a custom UI.

Does a `sheet` action actually work within a canvas from a Configure flow response though? I can see the components rendering out properly but when I interact with them they don’t seem to trigger anything, not even any network activity.

Hi @untoward ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

Looks like you got in touch with our team via the Messenger.

I’ll let that conversation continue there and post the answer here for other users(to keep everything organised ).

Just dropping Intercom’s response here for posterity:

At present it seems the Sheets Action component is not capable of being used within the config flow in the way you outlined in your above video. Sheets Action components in Messenger Apps are built to be clicked on within Messenger, which then opens an iframe also within Messenger. This component is not setup to function outside of Messenger itself and therefore will not open a seperate iframe, modal, pop-up, or browser window/tab when its actioned in the config flow of the App within your Workspace.

I believe the other 2 Action components - Submit action and URL action - will function in the config flow, i.e. outside of Messenger, but still may not be quite what you were hoping to do through the use of Sheets action in that button.


A slight shame but hopefully something that gets added in future.
