Im trying to install the Messenger app in Salesforce Community. I found this old article but it seems incomplete.
Im wondering if I could get help with this integration.
I Edit the Head Markup in the Salesforce Community with the pre-filled script.
Then in a lightning component I tried to Instantiate the Intercom instance:
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class IntercomApp extends LightningElement {
connectedCallback() {
try {
window.intercomSettings = {
api_base: '',
app_id: 'my-app-id-here'
} catch (error) {
I get this warning:
frame-modern.812d2c17.js:1 [Intercom] The App ID in your code snippet has not been set. Set it to your App ID found in settings to complete installation:
With this message below:[Intercom] Launcher is disabled in settings or current page does not match display conditions