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What are your must have apps?

It would very depend on your business and tech landscape, but interested in what the broader community use and consider must haves when using the full Intercom suite.


For us to start;

  • Salesforce
  • Marketo
  • Zoom
  • Calendly
  • Content Showcase
  • Intercom for JIRA
  • Quicklinks (although less useful now we have more data and the SF app


Our main goal is looking at integrations that can be pushed in app, and engaged with via the Intercom launcher versus new windows / emails etc

19 replies

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We integrate with

  • Stripe - very useful to filter by subscription plan type and charging info
  • Facebook messenger - great to have all questions coming into the same place
  • Zapier
  • Pipedrive - sales tool integration
  • Cadet - newly installed to manage our feature requests
  • Slack
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Brent, do you use Slack to handle live conversations directly there? Have been interested in taking a look at this, just never pulled the trigger.

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Heya, no we only have it set up to notify our sales team of new sign ups. We manage conversations through the messenger interface because we really need the customer information we pull through from our app as well as the articles to support properly.

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I ultimately think it depends on what your stack is internally. For us, we rely on:

  • Slack
  • Zoom
  • Calendly
  • JIRA
  • Statuspage


We're contemplating "Get a Demo" but we just love Calendly right now.

I use :

  • Slack
  • Trello (Personal and profesional use), easy to follow my to do list, tasks I give to my team
  • JIRA
  • Loom : Our customers love it, we use it to show features, or how they can solve their issue, or do things on our app. They can watch it whenever they want.
  • Whereby : We love to see our customers, we share screen, so it's better for them to understand or reproduce the issue.
  • Logrocket : Big Brother time ! We can watch every session they spend on our product. Useful to spot bugs, or see if the customer created a problem himself.
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We use:

  • Userfeed (feedback & tag managment)
  • Calendly (scheduling)
  • Slack (alerts)
  • Quick Links
  • Lokalise (translation)
  • Fullstory (user session reply for support issues)

Our Intercom app stack:

  • Hubspot (sync conversations to CRM)
  • ChargeBee (for syncing subscription records)
  • Prodsight (auto-tagging of Intercom conversations, surveys and other feedback)
  • GeckoBoard (metric reporting)

We use:

  • Calendly (scheduling)
  • Slack
  • Supportman (ratings and metrics sent to Slack)
  • Chargebee (manage subscriptions)
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Quick one, do your teams create a lot of JIRA issues from Intercom? This is something we are a bit scared of, so mostly use it to relate conversations for context / color to help product teams.

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Same for us on Calendly, the user experience is so nice (all be it at a cost).


How do you find status page? This is a service I have always wanted especially to remove the need to communicate outages etc via Messenger.

Before, we only had Customer Success Managers, I am the first Support our company had. The dev team saw the difference haha


We have a process to test everything before opening a JIRA.

Communication is key, and you have to set the rules.


You have to ask yourself some questions :

What is a bug ?

What is a product improvement ? Is it helpful for one customer, or every customers we have ?

What can be solved by standing up and directly talk to the right person ?

AND most important : Is it a problem caused by the customer ?


To give you stats, last week we had 84 new conversations on Intercom, and 5 of them turned into JIRA.


It didn't come in a day, of course ! But at first, I looked at every Jira created, and reject them if they didn't apply to our rules. And explaining why. It helped a lot !


Could talk about our process all day, so feel free to reach out to me if I can help 🙂












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100% agree with this. Jira (or any project management tool) isn't meant to be a place to store a giant backlog of feedback (ie potential bugs, feature requests, integration request, UX pains, etc.). The project management tool of choice should be clean/uncluttered in order to give you focus on what you're actually working on. Having a place that sits between Intercom and Jira (connects to both) is a more ideal set up. This is where you can store all of those things, categorize and collaborate on them, and plan on what to work on next. Once you make a plan, push those things to Jira.

Hey @craig​ 👋 Happy to participate! Some of the most relevant:


  • Klaus (to review our conversations and provide internal feedback) -> Disclaimer: I work at Klaus and highly recommend of course 😍
  • Calendly (for scheduling)
  • Survicate (NPS surveys) -> highly recommended if you want a solution that plays smoothly with Intercom core functionality!
  • Slack (notifications for new conversations)
  • Zapier (notifications for new conversation ratings)
  • Highways (to access Pipedrive data inside Intercom) -> highly recommended if you spend a lot of time switching between your CRM and your Intercom inbox!
  • Quick links (to access our internal database company and user links)
  • Github (to link issues and conversations for follow-up) -> highly recommended if you want to streamline communication between your technical team and your customer-facing team!


Oh and I almost forgot Segment! That's how we installed Intercom in our website and webapp in the first place. That's how user and company data - including events - is continuously pushed into Intercom. Couldn't live without it as well 😊

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This answer isn't what people are looking for, but -- CUSTOM APPS! Use Canvas Kit to improve things for your team. For instance, we don't like snoozing until 9am the next day because it causes you to get bogged down with TONS of follow-up messages. It's a problem with Intercom. Instead, we have a "24 snooze" app button that takes up very little space on the right side of the Inbox screen. When you're done writing your message, just press tab and then enter, and you'll initiate the app which sends your current response + snoozes the conversation for 24 hours. With this, your conversations un-snooze throughout the day instead of all at once.


We use Canvas Kit for other things too. Intercom Tags are suboptimal in a lot of ways currently. So for every conversation, we have an app to the side that allows us to fill in meaningful info from the convo, select the product / feature for the feedback, and categorize the feedback (e.g., feature request, bug, feedback, etc). This information can then be siphoned off to Google Sheets, Kibana / Elastic, or whatever other service you'd like. (We started with the former and moved to the latter).


We also have built custom apps to handle billing related issues directly from Intercom - that way we don't have to navigate outside the tool. We've also used Canvas Kit to allow certain CS members to create bug cards for our engineering team. When one is created in Intercom, a message is sent to Slack with relevant info, and a card is also created in the system that our engineering team uses to manage sprints.


Hands down, Canvas Kit is the thing that has changed the way our team works more than anything else. UNFORTUNATELY - a lot of the things we use Canvas Kit for are things we'd like to see Intercom better handle natively.


Runner ups:

- Quick Links

- Calendly

I really like some of the things you are doing with Canvas Kit! Really cool. 👌 I am looking to do some similar things. Would be fun to chat with you about what you are doing. Really like the 24 hour button idea!

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I think I described most of what we're doing with Canvas Kit already, but always happy to chat about it more if you have any questions. Since it can be hard win engineering time, I asked somebody on our team who was learning to code to help make these as practice. Canvas Kit is relatively simple to work with and Intercom's API isn't too complicated. So it's a great way for somebody to cut their teeth on a "real" project.

We use:

  • G suite - mostly Drive, Gmail, sheets and docs
  • Stripe
  • Slack
  • Pitch
  • Webflow
  • Loom
  • ProfitWell
  • Albacross
  • Soon 😋
  • Intercom 😅

For those of you using Intercom with SaaS products, I want to mention my favorite app for NPS surveys. Survicate integrates really well with Intercom. It's easy to set up and the pop up survey can be combined with conditional follow-up messages depending on the score.


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Hi Landon, I am curious how you are liking the Lokalise app? We are thinking about adding this for Articles in our support knowledge base. Are you experiencing any limitations with it? Thanks!
