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Since our company started cooperation with clients from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and we have to provide support to clients from these countries, we faced the need to create workflows automation and Help centres for our clients. The request to add these languages ​​to Intercom was sent several months ago and was forwarded to your Product Team.
First, please at least add the browser language attribute for Tajik and Kyrgyz languages ​​so that we can start creating workflows.

Thank you in advance!

Hey ​@Olga Kukharskaya 👋 Jacques here from Intercom Support. I hope all is well today!

As you know, currently Intercom does not support Tajik and Kyrgyz languages. While you can manually create content or workflows using these languages, not all Intercom features would be available. I can see that your request to add these languages has been forwarded to the Product Team, but there is no timeline for when or if these languages will be added. To stay updated on new features, you can check the Intercom Product Changes page.

I’ll flag this to give it a bump on Product’s radar as well!

Thanks! :)
