
Can you add anchor tags to Help Center articles that are longer?

  • 6 September 2020
  • 9 replies

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Can you add anchor tags to Help Center articles that are longer?

Best answer by Eric Fitz 8 September 2020, 13:45

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9 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey @autumn​ - you can use the hash key ( # ) to add anchor tags to Help Center articles URLs.


For example:>


Sub-headers within your Article body can be used as anchors in this way.

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So I'm looking to create a table of contents for an article. For example the structure will be similar to this:


What you'll learn:

  • Thing 1
  • Thing 2
  • Thing 3


Each of the bulleted "things" should pop down to that section in the article. Each section will have a sub-header title. So, how would I link the bulleted text to go to that section in the article? Would it be #Thing-1 or #Thing1?

Userlevel 1

In that case, it'd be # Thing-1.


Use hyphens in your anchor link to denote spaces between words!

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Just figured this out, thanks!

Userlevel 1

Glad to hear it! Just for my own information, was the solution I provided the correct one? Or did you need to do anything different?

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Yep, you were correct. Your solution worked like a charm.

Userlevel 1

Delighted to hear it! 🙌 That's a good one to share in @Tips, Tricks, and Workarounds​ - even if you had an example article to share with other Connectors?

Userlevel 1

Hey @autumn​, some great news - we've shipped this as an official feature of Articles! You can read more about it here.

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This is so great! Thanks for sharing, @eric f11​. This will be very helpful for longer articles we have.
