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Is there a way to send a message to Slack when a new article is published? 

Hey @Lauren Rosenfeld Racheal from the support engineer team here👋 


At the moment, Intercom does not have a web hook trigger for an newly published Article, so it is not possible to trigger any sort of event.  But I have heard similar feature requests in the past, I’d be happy to +1 that on your behalf!

What action would this trigger on your end if you got an alert?

The reason I ask, is that we track this in Docs Fresh, and could easily alert on it if it was useful. 

I want the same as well. So that whenever our success team published a new article, we get informed on Slack and can provide immediate feedback.

Please let me know if this is possible now.

@Royal Tomar @Lauren Rosenfeld In Docs Fresh you would get a notification the next day in Slack (when we scan your docs and run your verification policy). You can track the status of the article as its being created and give feedback (assign tasks) before it’s live. We’ll also check to make sure there’s no broken links when the article is in draft mode before it goes live! 


Would be nice to have this topic so +1 


Another +1 

Really can use this for


Can there be some simple RSS Feeds setup or notifications that we can even digest as email? 
