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Hi guys, do you know where can I see my archive users and can I unarchive them?



Hey @user1774​ 👋


Users that have been archived are not visible in the UI.


Archiving acts as a soft delete, so if the person returns (by logging in or being manually added), all data will be restored, including all associated conversations 👋


To permanently delete or unarchive a previously archived contact, we need to have the contact’s Itercom id but it seems to me that there is no way we can retrieve id if the contact is archived. I would like to query archived contacts by the external_id or other fields in order to be able to subsequently unarchive it. Seems like a big issue to me...

@Lisa B11  Any updates on this? It seems the only way right now is to intentionally call the intercom API to create a contact, get an error that a contact matching those details already exists, parse out the intercom ID, then take action on that to unarchive and proceed. At the very least, it would be very helpful to have an optional param on the List all Contacts or Search Contact APIs that allows archived hospitals to be included in the response so we aren’t adding more overhead than necessary. Or, Intercom needs to allow us to create new contacts if the previous archived version is effectively deleted.
