Hey Rotem, Shaq from the Support Engineering team here 👋
There’s not a direct way to create a view like that with filters as there is no filter “waiting on customer”, currently. But you could achieve this with a little bit of workaround:
Step to achieve this ⬇️
1️⃣ In the Settings menu -> Tags, create a new tag, e.g. Waiting on customer
2️⃣ Create a workflow with the trigger Customer has been unresponsive. Select a time period how long you want to wait, e.g. 30 minutes. And workflow itself is as simple as this - simply tag the conversation with your newly created tag 👇
3️⃣ Now when you create the Inbox view, select to include there all conversations with the tag Waiting on customer 👇
And that's it 🙌
You will have the automation (workflow) that will automatically tag conversations when customer does not reply in X amount of time, and these conversations will be placed in the Inbox view. Likewise you can create am Automation to remove the tag once a reply is sent.
More information on creating views can be found here.
More information on creating workflows can be found here.
I hope this helps! Let me know if any questions come up while setting this up.👍