@Henrik Lenerius I had a good chuckle at your post title 😂
And I immediately knew what you meant! We've been helping teams implement Fin and trying to deal with this challenge that Fin sees itself at outside the team.
I was talking with one of the Intercom team at the 'Pitfalls of AI' workshop, which was a great venue to have these conversations and sharing that it would be amazing to have some ways to custom prompt Fin to deal with these situations but I'm sure if the Intercom team is aware they will find ways to sort this out.
I have tried with Snippets as well but it's not very successful.
A few of the issues we see are similar to yours…
Fin answers unlike human agents by saying the company name a lot.
'Company name' offers 3 types of products that meet your needs, they are the following…
Instead of 'We offer 3 types of products that meet your needs...'
And then there's the handoff or instruction that often says something like what you shared above...
You'll need to provide the following information, when you have that ready contact customer support at 'email address' or 'number'
Which probably is influenced by content on the website or documentation somewhere but it should be saying something more like, 'when you have that information feel free to reply here or open a new conversation' especially if the user is in chat.
Often the response is something like 'how do I contact customer support?' if the email address isn't listed and for someone who is already contacting customer support it is probably very frustrating like being told please hold while I transfer you but worse because it's not transferring you.
I feel like Fin should be able to understand this context better.
I noticed there's a new experimental feature to choose the length of the response, I hope this becomes something you can configure by prompt as well or Fin can also determine the right situations to adapt but I do think most AI tools that include a way for the business or user to pre-prompt are the most effective.
I'd love to be able to prompt at a high level some things to tweak the overall content to override some things that might be in the content that aren't ideal for the AI response approach.
Overall Fin is a huge improvement but these small but important things can depersonalize the service and the feeling for the customer.
Some of these things may be able to be done by workflow but not everything, so I'm glad we are having these discussions!
I will reach out on chat and try to point to some of these conversation if it's helpful to the team to tweak the response and use that data to help everyone.