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A lead or user sends us a request to ot contact acleaning company with a Request on movecleaning.


We contact the cleaning company through email and want to have that conversation tied to the lead/user so we can follow it on an individual level and use the snooze function to comeback to the lead/user at a good time. Preferably we would also want to have to option to CC the lead/user.



When you get a inbound email, before you answer the client, you CC: your supplier.


The supplier will get the whole email history and the client will see you adding the supplier.


You do that here:



That way you easily connect the supplier and client and will always get the entire email history as long as you stay in CC.


You can treat inbound email the same way as chats with snoozing, starring and commenting.


Works wonders!


Hope I got right what you were lookuing for!
