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Hello! Is it possible to create a custom preview line when composing an email that will show up in customer’s inboxes? I would like to edit this first line of text you see in your inbox next to the subject line to be different from the very first line of the actual email body’s text. 

Hi @Jessica Castanuela 

Jennifer here from Intercom 😊

To add a subject to an email template, simply look for the "Subject" field while creating or editing the email. Enter the desired subject for your email in this field.

If you later want to change this, the subject is now in a new place in the inbox. You can see it in the 'Attributes' section in the right hand sidebar, as well as on the conversation card in the list as well 👇🏻

image.png?expires=1684254857&signature=4280c32ed4d4da3236718025e6caba34fad0cb053c8a990dbe6777b74427b3bcHope this helps 🙌

Hi I’m trying to actually edit the preview text not the subject line. In this example that would be “Dear Jessica Castanuela, Jennifer K mentioned you...” I would like to be able to change that text to something that is not what is the current email copy. Is this possible?


@Jessica Castanuela This is not possible. I’ll let our product team know this is a feature you’re eager for though! 🚀

this is something that I’d also be interested in!

Hi there @Jennifer K, is there an update here? Would we be able to get a timeline for this feature?

Hi @Josh Horsman 

We don't currently have a public product roadmap.

Whenever we do release new features, we announce them on the Product Changes page, so I would recommend keeping an eye there.

This would be a great feature to have.

+1 this is needed to optimize open rates

@Jessica Castanuela This is not possible. I’ll let our product team know this is a feature you’re eager for though! 🚀

We would love this too! We see that Intercom does it for your emails when you send out (for example, your roundups say “New Features, New Updates, New Resources” and when we inspect the code on the page, it seems to be linked to the overall template. Not alt text or a header) 
If us users could have this same functionality, that would be awesome! thanks! 

Please add this. Otherwise I’m forced to use ActiveCampaign which I’ve slowly switched over to for various aspects of our workflow already.

Please add this. Where is this feature. Thanks
