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Conversations that are started outside of opening hours killing first response time.


Conversations that are started outside of opening hours killing first response time.


Does anyone have any hints or tips on how to help with the above? We get 50+ conversations come in out of hours. The FRT starts at 8am on all of these conversations and it's impossible to answer them all quickly. As a result our FRT is massively impacted by this and it's really hard to recover throughout the day.

4 replies

Super User ✨
  • Super User ✨
  • 257 replies
  • July 5, 2022

Hey @ben s11​ 

Interesting conundrum and not sure I can help here but I think one of the Intercom team might need to expand on this. Originally, a long time ago, I was under the impression that the timer started when a team member first clicked on the message to view it and the time taken was from then until the first response was sent. I think this has changed over time.


Checking out this article it seems that the first response chart might be taking the start time from when it first arrives, business hours or not.


  • The charts show the 'First response time' grouped by conversation creation date. So even though we only count the time within office hours (when you have this enabled in your Office Hours settings), this will be displayed on the chart according to the time the conversation was created.


The other thing it says is that "Task Bot task responses are included in the 'First response time' metrics." so maybe there is something there you can explore.


Anyhoo, be keen to hear more on this myself.




  • Innovator
  • 29 replies
  • July 11, 2022

Similar issue on our end with three regional teams working within regional office hours. However, the reporting for Response and First Response times only recognises the Workspace default Office Hours for reporting. This means the teams in later time zones are playing catch-up at the start of the week.


We're lucky in that only a few cases trickle in overnight, with the bulk of our volume coming during the regions' office hours, so while our "Average" metrics are pretty horrible, the Median is recoverable.


It might be worth looking at the team and default office hours for your workspace and seeing if there's any opportunity to address this.

  • Active User
  • 31 replies
  • September 22, 2022

One thing you could try, is to setup an automation rule that looks at the office hours, and sets a separate SLA for response time based on those office hours. You would then want to filter your reports based on the SLA that was applied.


Second option you can try (if you are using a custom bot for new conversations) would be to use conditions (based on office hours) to set a data attribute for each conversation (create a conversation data attribute of type 'list' and set the options to something like 'inside office hours' and 'outside office hours'. once this is setup, you will be able to filter your reports based on the office hours data attribute and easily see the differences.

  • Author
  • Connector
  • 8 replies
  • September 22, 2022

Thanks! I actually implemented your first suggestions a few weeks ago.

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