
Why am I getting a "User Not Found" error when testing my mapping from Segment?

  • 1 December 2022
  • 1 reply

mapping:Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 12.21.36 PMI'm trying to add intercom as a destination from Segment, to send data about users signing up. My goal is to use "Sign up" events as a trigger for sending outbound emails in Intercom.


In Segment, I've added Intercom Cloud Mode (Actions) as the destination.


This is the error I'm getting when sending a test event (response from Intercom Cloud Mode):

{"type":"error.list","request_id":"0004a9f3p9cnvnicnu0g","errors":[{"code":"not_found","message":"User Not Found"}]}


this is the test event:


"channel": "server",

"context": {

"library": {

"name": "analytics-java",

"version": "3.3.1"



"integrations": {},

"messageId": "4b5e747e-4df9-42f9-a8a6-eb890815b8cc",

"originalTimestamp": "2022-12-01T18:27:52.103Z",

"projectId": "3nsxxQEUYzAipU1VqzTRg2",

"receivedAt": "2022-12-01T18:28:02.200Z",

"sentAt": "2022-12-01T18:28:02.103Z",

"timestamp": "2022-12-01T18:27:52.200Z",

"traits": {

"__clientId": "app-name-web",

"createdAt": "Thu Dec 01 18:08:28 GMT 2022",

"email": "",

"firstName": "janie",

"lastName": "do"


"type": "identify",

"userId": "",

"version": 2,

"writeKey": "xFv6V3fHVD1YvJrIdmBCK5YsGmyaKtQz"



1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hey @user2083​ Racheal from the support engineer team here👋 


Taking a look at our internal logs here it looks like we cannot find a user on your workspace with the user_id and that is who you are trying to attach an event to. Could you search your Intercom contacts and make sure you have a user with that ID?
