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Can you send mobile carousels more than once to the same user?


If we wanted to show the same mobile carousel to the same user if they kept matching event criteria, are we able to do that in an ongoing campaign? Or will it always just show once?

Best answer by Roy

@autumn​ , The same question was already asked by Green Moon 156 (The link to old post).

Currently, mobile carousels will send only each matching user once, you can request this feature in @Product Wishlist​ group. The workaround here will be to use Series continuously to show users mobile carousel more than once.


As I remember from the old posts, you are not using Series, then the last step here will be to launch carousels from a button (For that you need a developer). More information about the launching carousel from a button can be found here.


Hope this helps a little 😇

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  • Expert User
  • December 8, 2020

@autumn​ , The same question was already asked by Green Moon 156 (The link to old post).

Currently, mobile carousels will send only each matching user once, you can request this feature in @Product Wishlist​ group. The workaround here will be to use Series continuously to show users mobile carousel more than once.


As I remember from the old posts, you are not using Series, then the last step here will be to launch carousels from a button (For that you need a developer). More information about the launching carousel from a button can be found here.


Hope this helps a little 😇

  • Active User
  • December 8, 2020

@roy s11​ thanks so much for including this older post. I searched before posting the question but this one didn't hit my radar.


This is helpful!


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