
suggested articles - can i pin certain articles based on the page i'm no in my platform? Also, can i pin videos too?

suggested articles - can i pin certain articles based on the page i'm no in my platform? Also, can i pin videos too?

Best answer by bernice 11 June 2024, 15:58

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7 replies

Hey @jon a12​ ! At the moment it is not possible to show the list of the suggested articles based on the page the user opens the Messenger. For now, you can restrict the option to certain users/visitors entirely. Here is an article on that. Likewise, you can show an app for a certain user/visitor but not possible to dynamically change the video based on the page URL.


thanks for replying. can i ask, in the audience settings > add audience rule, what the 'current page URL' option allow?

@jon a12​ Yes, you can. But that would apply to all the articles.


ok thanks 😃

Hey there,


wanted to sneakily hijack this old thread to see if there are any developments around this? 

Specifically if there is a way now to suggest different HC articles in the messenger depending on which page the user is. It can either by based on the URL(or parts of it) or actually content based.


If not, does anyone have an idea how to get this done through an other way/workaround?


Thanks in advance,


Userlevel 4
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Hey @moaci 👋 We use Machine Learning to decide which article is most likely to be viewed, based on user's Custom Data Attributes (CDAs) and visited URLs. You'll find more on this in this article from our Help Center ⬇️ 

Enable Article Suggestions on Messenger to help customers self-serve

Hey @bernice 


thanks for your reply.


But is there any way for us as a company to influence this in a way, so that we can decide which suggested articles are shown there to our customers?


We want to subtly use this specifically for information we know, our customers tend to miss oder overlook and therefore not fully utilizing our software.

Ideally we would like to use this feature without it being to much “in your face” (so no proactive popping up of messages in the messenger or through product tours) if that makes sense.


Best regards,



