Users unable to close messenger chat

  • 9 August 2023
  • 2 replies

We have Intercom installed in our web-based app but lately 20% of our users are experiencing issues with being unable to close the chat - there is no 'x' or down arrow appearing in their window. Even if it shows the down arrow, clicking it will not close the chat. The only way to get it working again is by refreshing the page.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a permanent fix?

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Hi @Sarah Wu 

Jennifer here from Intercom.

We don't have a built-in way to add the x at the top of the Messenger window, but if you create a custom launcher it will automatically appear!

We have instructions on how to do this below

I will pass this conversation to our support engineering team to make sure there isn't something else going on for you 

Hi @Jennifer K ,

Thanks for your reply. 

We are using the Intercom React add-on for our application. The issue has only started mid-July and doesn’t seem to have a particular pattern for us to find the root cause. 

If anyone has any insights, that would be appreciated.


