Since the Intercom iOS SDK began utilizing WebSockets, we have noticed that on occasion, CPU usage jumps to over 100% and there are deadlocks resulting from the Intercom SDK.
When this happens, the lock is due to: `[IntercomSDK_IntercomNexusSocket sendWebSocketMessage:]` as seen here:

I am now able to reproduce this reliably with the latest release (and previous), 16.4.0, of the Intercom iOS SDK.
To reproduce on an app set up with the Intercom iOS SDK (I’m doing this on iOS 17.2.1 but it happens on other versions):
- Login a user with `Intercom.loginUser(with:)`
- Logout the user with `Intercom.logout()`
- Login again using the same call in #1
CPU usage will jump up over 100%. If you pause the debugger at this point, you’ll see a stack trace like the image above.
Please let me know if I can send other information about this issue.