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I have a doubt, in my workspace I have 56,690 users with these rules.

  • How is it possible I only have 10 answers and sent 23 messages during January?
  • Is there any way I can optimize my formula and have more reach?

(Considering that I want to present my NPS every 90 days to users with more than 30 days of use).


Hi @User1594 !

I can see you are currently chatting with my teammate Shauna about this. There are a number of factors that could be at play here. It all depends on what channel you have the Survey set to run on (desktop, iOS, or Android). The User will need to match your rules and also log into Intercom in the channel that you have the Survey set to display on (if you don’t have it set for all of them that is). Shauna will continue investigating with you to get to the bottom of your specific situation!

Hi @Jacob Cox  yes I am chatting with @Shauna but, regarding my account and rules, I'm also analyzing internally whether it's an access problem or a feature or other thing.

But I have another problem.

When I filter the NPS for the month of January, the dashboard shows me data that doesn't appear in the CSV doc. This is clearly a BUG.

Please perform these tasks and you will understand my problem.
1-Access the flow "03. NPS desktop (Juliana template)" and filter the date from January 1 to January 31, 2024.
2-View the data displayed on the dashboard. It shows 10 responses and 3 of them with visible comments.
3-Then export the CSV with the same date range from January 1 to 31, 2024.
4- When you open the CSV doc called "answer_combined_20240208-103019" you will see that only 1 line appears, i.e. 1 answer from 1 user, 10 answers should appear as in the dashboard inside the intercom.

