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When a customer responds to a ticket in “Waiting on costumer” state, the ticket automatically shifts back to an "In progress" state.

This behaviour is not helpful for many situations i.e. when waiting for a customer to send back a product, if he sends a message asking a question or just saying thanks (before he returns the product), the ticket state should not automatically shift to “In progress”. Even worse, the pre-scheduled SLA for next following “In progress state” is not applied because the state change was not done by a colleague.

Is there anyway we can deactivate above behaviour?    


I don’t believe there’s any way to disable that behavior, as it’s behind the scenes built into the ticket behavior. But I could be wrong! I’d be curious if you set a custom workflow for that specific ticket type, if that could solve the issue? Not sure off the top of my head, but could be worth a test. 

I don’t believe there’s any way to disable that behavior, as it’s behind the scenes built into the ticket behavior. But I could be wrong! I’d be curious if you set a custom workflow for that specific ticket type, if that could solve the issue? Not sure off the top of my head, but could be worth a test. 

Thanks Trevor for your advice. 

Indeed that behaviour is fundamentally setup behind the scenes, there’s nothing that can be done I am afraid. Haven’t been able to find an appropriate custom workflow to revert the ticket state and the original SLA because:

  • Ticket workflows seem only be triggered whenever a user manually changes a ticket state, not whenever a customer sends a message
  • Workflows triggered whenever a customer sends a message do not offer “revert to previous ticket state” nor “reinstate previous SLA” options

I believe the only turnaround is to reconfigure "Waiting on customer" states into “In progress” states and not apply a SLA to these… This will do the trick but the client experience might be weird...

Interesting workaround, yep. Changing the ticket state name could work, would just visually look different and send updates when the progress is labelled the same, just with a different color. Might be worth adding on the Product Wishlist board for a setting to disable this feature on specific ticket types? 
Product Wishlist Link

Thanks Trevor I will add this feature request to the Product Wish List.

I just realised as well that the trick I propose will fake our SLA stats (TTR) so it’s not great...

We also thought this may have been a bug, but realized it was part of how the tool worked. We used to have our default “In Progress” state named “In Progress”, and we didn’t want our users to think that just because they responded, we were already working on their request/fixing their issue. 

So, we made a new “In Progress” state called “Reviewing”, and we made sure it was the first state listed under each ticket type. Now when users respond to us, the ticket state automatically changes to “Reviewing.” Hopefully, that gives them peace of mind that we’re looking into it, but also doesn’t set unrealistic expectations.

Note—we do not have SLAs setup on our account.
