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Hi all! 👋

Hi all! 👋


I just wanted to have your tips and tricks regarding Tags in Inbox.


  1. How do you manage your Conversation Tags when it comes to following-up both product related topics as feature request, bugs, issues... AND process related topics as Duplicate, Need dev or Resolved, for instance? I give an example: if we have a conversation related to our asynchronous feature we will tag this conversation with the proper tag (product related). But if at the same time I ask devs for help, and we want to follow-up how often it happens in a month let's say, I will tag this conversation with the proper tag (process related). How can you distinguish these 2 Tags types? Product and process. Can we make some sub-tags categories? Create some "type of tags" on Intercom?
  2. How do you manage your User Tags in Reports to know how often one type of user is contacting you for a period of time? As all tags (Conversation Tags and User Tags) are mixed together in Intercom, I don't really see a specific Reports that shows some metrics about User Tags.


I know that's quite a lot. Thanks for reading and thank you already in advance for answering!


I remain available if you need more context/infos.😎



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  • Expert User
  • 1152 replies
  • October 17, 2020

Hello @josselin​ and welcome to Interconnect = )


1) We don't use tag's for product feedback updates, it's already a old way.


There already some great tools, that will help you to manage customer requests prioritize, segmentize and track them. 


You are catching feedback directly from via Inbox, Messenger, or customer portal (You can even embed this form inside the product).


This tool's track all users who requested the same feature and once this feature will be shipped, you can send an automatic message in Intercom messenger or e-mail.


Like - Hey JR, you requested Slack Integration 5 Month ago, we shipped it now and you can test it. Thank you for your feedback.


This makes the hole process automatized and customers are also happy =) 


Here some tools:

- Acute Feedback

- Userfeed (Not sure if they have automatic updates (never used), let's ask to @user649​)

- Herald

- Canny

- Upvoty


All list can be found here


As I mention, track product feature request via Tag is incorrect and make some process to hard. Take a look at those tools @josselin​ .


2) The only report where the user tag is available currently is a Reports -> Conversation tags -> User Tag. 


You can still get some data via API, Totally agree that Intercom should add a User tag in the customer support filter. 


For this, we can submit feedback @Product Wishlist​ ​ and hope someone from Intercom takes a look at this.


Let me know if you have any other questions, happy to help.


  • Active User
  • 55 replies
  • October 17, 2020

Thanks for the mention @roy s11​ . Yeah this is the sort of thing that differentiates from all these other products you mentioned. We integrate heavily with tags (two-way sync). Each post in Userfeed (feature request, bug, etc.) has it's own Intercom tag associated with it. So when you link a conversation to a feature request in Userfeed, the conversation and the Intercom user are automatically tagged via the corresponding feature request tag. So now you can report in UF or Intercom on how often certain things are requested or issues brought up. Additionally, users are segmented in Intercom based on those tags. So say you have a request for a Slack Integration: you can see how often it's requested in convos and you can pull a segment of every user/lead who has requested it, making it super simple to send messages to those users via Intercom's messaging channels (ask more questions, send a survey, send a feature update). This also means you can use automated tag rules or bots that tag conversations and users, not just conversations which is how it works out of the box.


Additionally, whenever conversations are linked to Userfeed posts, if you change the status of the post (ie. complete), each linked conversation will be notified via private note, so that the support agent can decide if they want to follow up within that conversation.


We're basically a full blown Intercom tag manager (each Userfeed post has a unique Intercom tag), so you can even go beyond just feedback use cases. You can track all sorts of things (and keep them totally private to your team), like common questions, customer cancellation reasons, demo feedback, you name it. To my knowledge, none of these other tools are integrating with Intercom's tags to this extent. We do this in an effort to lean on Intercom's Customer data platform instead of forcing you to have yet another place with customer data.


Here's some videos that explain how it works with a bit more visual:


Landon Bennett

Co-founder of Intercom apps: Userfeed & Bump


  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 4 replies
  • October 20, 2020

@roy s11​ @user649​ thanks a lot for these precise answers and all the tools, and specially Userfeed. It helps us a lot to dig into all possibilities that can be done in Intercom. We will have a deep look into it!


And yeah, we've been told of this API solution when it comes to User Tags by Intercom Support. We're trying to sort this out lately.


Thanks again for your time and consideration!



  • Expert User
  • 1152 replies
  • October 20, 2020

@josselin​ , Anytime, always happy to help. If you need any help with an API, just let me know = ) 

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